Travelling with kids -the actual truth

I wanted to dedicate this post to the truth about travelling with children.

Ok so right of the bat. It is hard. It is really hard. Nothing could have prepared me to understand how difficult it can be sometimes.

The first glitch in the system is packing day. Packing day with a time limit before we miss our flight. This means we are running around clearing things away and are not able to tend to the children’s needs as we normally would. We do much of the packing and things the night before when the children are asleep but there is still often a henious amount to do on the day.

Travelling lighter would help a lot but I feel no shame.

We hand them over to their electronic devices on packing and flying days . Which I feel no shame for either.

The picture above was taken at 530 am while I was dealing with somehow packing a urine soaked blanket (after one of them wet the bed) that is of utmost importance to come with us.

The flying with them and the general being in the vicintiy of airports is by far the most stress inducing. When they actually do have to behave to some degree. We have strictly forbidden the behaviour I frequently refer to as cats on speed where they run and jump on each other in hysterics often accompanied by the hissing spitting and mouthing of each other

It honestly does look just like this photo except you need another one charging in from the other side.

We have managed the situation by travelling slowly, we do a month in each country to alleviate the stress.

The other part of travel induced stress is that we are spending alot of time with each other and there is no one I can send the children to, to give me a break or to give them a break from each other so some days are just a days where we do damage control. And those days are shit.

But the other side to travelling is really so joyous it does. It really does make up for the all the stress.

The days where we spend all day hopping between the beach and the pool and doing things that brings us joy. Experiencing the breath taking beauty the world holds before us that cannot be paid for.

It’s the shells that are perfectly symmetrical and have the added bonus of looking like butterflies

It’s the finding of a star fish that’s bigger than your face

It’s the jumping from rock to rock at the bottom of a waterfall

For me, it’s the golden sands and the setting of the sun.

So in short, travelling can be really really stressful but there are jewels of joy that make it all worth while. So my advice to those wondering it is totally totally worth it.

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