Motherhood… It’s not all about the paper planes and daisy chains

Before I get started on showing you guys our journey (that will hopefully be wonderful) I wanted to be real about some stuff.

We all share things in our life on social media and we only want to share the good things. It’s easy to look at someone’s Facebook and Instagram feed and to feel like they’ve got their shit together through these very narrow windows into their lives. But the truth is none of us do. Not really. I for sure, do not!

Parenting is a beautiful thing, it really is but it’s also really really shit sometimes and it hurts. You find words coming out of your mouth that are just awful, that you would hurt someone else for saying to your babies. Then you feel so guilty it hurts, and you cry in your pillow at night when you are supposed to be sleeping. You cry because they forgive you and you feel like you don’t deserve to be forgiven because they’re only little and YOU are supposed to be the parent. The one who has control of your emotions. But sometimes you just don’t.

The beautiful parts of motherhood are so fleeting but they are more precious than anything you might hold with your bare hands and they do make your heart steadfast through the bad times.

Mother hood is frustrating. You literally do everything single thing that can possibly be done and all you asked your 8 year old to do is put his ice lolly wrapper in the bin that is exactly one foot away from his hand. He forgot.

Motherhood is confusing. You put your 6 year old to bed and hold her close until she feels sleepy and all she can tell you in a very nonchallant tone is that she wishes Daddy would get a divorce so she can have a new mummy (because apparently I’m so awful). But the very next day she’s telling you she loves you and has made you a love note.

You go from wondering if you are doing anything right at all to thinking that you’ve got this and everything is going to be ok. All in 60 seconds flat. Then you have a mess to clean and a fight to be the referee for at the same exact time. You can’t even remember what you were thinking before this moment and everything is blurry. You just carry on.

Whatever you do, whatever you don’t do, you feel inadequate.

Just wanted to share this because I would hate for anyone to think that I have got it all together and that all of my life is better than yours. I don’t. It’s not. We are in this together.

Thanks for reading.