Dear cleaner…

Dear cleaner.

I know. There’s mess everywhere. This my life!

I know, someone used that pan to eat their corn flakes with a knife.

In the cupboard there, it’s a mouldy avocado that I forgot about,

I waited 5 days to eat it, now I’m sad to throw it out.

And that tupperware container is housing a cockroach that is dead,

It had a proper burial and real tears were shed.

You had better watch your step,

There’s a home made booby trap for a fly they want to keep as a pet.

There’s a pile of rubbish there, but this I tell you please don’t throw it out,

They’re using cardboard to make a maze for their roaches they think I don’t know about.

I know! We’ll pay the damages for the bathroom sink thing,

Tarzan over there thought the u bend was a swing.

There’s a dirty foot print on the wall, I think i know who’s,

Its the person in this family that won’t wear shoes.

I know you come to light the bug repellent thing each night,

Please don’t do this we have hidden it so this place doesn’t catch alight.

The cushions I know are not where they should be,

They are being used as a raft to get away from their enemies.

You might wonder what the coffee table is doing on its side for,

Its being used as a barricade in a nerf gun war.

My daughter’s wet the bed again and I’ve covered it with this expensive looking towel,

She did three wees before bed so I can’t explain to you how.

I know the toilet seat is covered with wee again,

No matter how many times I come to wipe it, it looks like this the same.

So thankyou for coming and cleaning up after us

I’m sorry we are so messy and make such a fuss

But thankyou thankyou thankyou for putting up with us.

What we’ve been up to in Bali

So we have had an awesome time on this gorgeous island. Here’s an update on our travels.

After our stay in Sanur we travelled up to Ubud. We booked a driver for 2 whole days to see sights around the area (this only cost £20 for one day).

We went to see a waterfall and I have never actually seen one before so it was a glorious sight to behold. The kids however did not like it because it was too loud and there was many many many steps that were even more taxing on the way back up so we only stayed for about 15 minutes

We did the rice terraces which was an awesome experience. They were burning the fields after harvest in some parts when we got there.

This (picture below) is rice that has been harvested ready to take to a machine that makes the rice come out the husks

We saw several families working to take care of their rice and harvesting it

They use cows to plow the land after it has been harvested and burnt up. This is a plow they use that goes behind a cow and a person sits on the back to rotovate the ground.

The next day of our tour was the coffee plantation where we got to taste different types of coffee.

Bali is famous for their Kopi Luwak coffee which is apparently the tastiest and most expensive in the world. It is made from weasel poop! The weasels choose the best tasting coffee beans, eat them and the workers collect their poop. It goes through a process that makes it hygienic for human consumption. Then voila you have coffee that is strong in taste but low in caffeine.

This is a picture of the process of Kopi Luwak coffee. Weasel poop on the right. After it has been cleaned in the middle. And ready for grinding on the left.

Ethan tried the poo coffee

These were our coffee and tea tasters

Humbled by Bali

We’ve been here a month now and I’ve been truly humbled. I’ve been humbled, not so much by the poor (although that plays a part) but the simplicity of things here.

The people here are happy and they just get on with what they’ve got. They have access to the same tools and equipment as we do but they aren’t so money hungry as we are in the west. They don’t want the biggest and the best.

At our very hotel the people here actually climb a 10 foot wall to water the plants. They dont even use a ladder! They cut their grass barefoot sitting on the floor with a pair of shears.

The poor are allowed to set up a stall on any pavement and sell their wares. Ladies walk round with these baskets on their heads, full of wares (knives, fans, bracelets) and they come in to restaurants to ask for customers and the restaurants don’t mind a bit.

Another thing, is that people seem to trust each other here and they don’t steal each other’s stuff! The staff all charge their phones in a shared kitchen with staff and visitors as well and their phones are still there when they come back. Back home in dear dear London you can’t even leave your child’s drink bottle at a park by accident and it still be there one hour later. In fact it’s not even worth your bother going back there because you have about a 98% chance that your efforts will be in vain because someone will have pinched it.

The most humbling thing of all is nobody is running around acting like entitled b@stards like we do in west. Crying over spilt milk!

As you go about day to day life you will see things like a 1 meter square hole in the pavement with a 6 foot drop below coupled with prongs of iron sticking out the bottom. No one is financially crippling someone due to law suits for loss of earnings for 6 years due to an injury. No. Every one just walks by the big hole in the ground and no idiot falls down and tries to milk the government for all its worth.

Our week in Bali

So. Bali. Our first week has flown by!

First of all, I do appreciate the sunshine! It’s not hard to please me. I am British, so any kind of consistent weather is pleasing. In England we go from snow boots to shorts and t shirts in a week.

So Bali seems to have no traffic laws at all. There’s no speed limit, the side of the road on which you drive on does not seem compulsory and neither does stopping at red lights. We had one taxi driver, he missed his turn and evidently the way to get round this was reversing 10 meters along a dual carriage way beeping his horn to alert others.

This is a picture that just doesn’t make sense to my English brain. There are 3 adults and 2 children on this moped. It’s insane.

We tried out a couple of local attractions. First one we did was a water park called waterbom which would have been great if any of our children wanted to do anything! They spent most of the day in one foot of water collecting flowers and stones from the edges to add to our ever expanding collection of nature. For us it wasn’t worth the money as what our children enjoyed they could have enjoyed for free at our hotel but if you have more adventurous children or teenagers this would be a great place to bring them.

The second attraction we tried was turtle island and this was more successful with the kids. It’s a charity that take in injured turtles (from plastic waste and pollution) and hatch and release them back in to the ocean . We had the abosulte pleasure of seeing the tiny baby turtles and releasing them back into the ocean.

We’ve spent a fair few days on the beach in sanur. The children dug sand castles and collected so many hermit crabs and this was actually our most favourite day so far.

We discovered a local night market in sanur which is so cheap we fed a family of 5 for a fiver. This is a juice bar where you can get a fresh fruit smoothie for 80p

So basically if you fancied a trip to Bali, Sanur we’d highly recommend if you can get past the totally lax health and safety laws.

Motherhood… It’s not all about the paper planes and daisy chains

Before I get started on showing you guys our journey (that will hopefully be wonderful) I wanted to be real about some stuff.

We all share things in our life on social media and we only want to share the good things. It’s easy to look at someone’s Facebook and Instagram feed and to feel like they’ve got their shit together through these very narrow windows into their lives. But the truth is none of us do. Not really. I for sure, do not!

Parenting is a beautiful thing, it really is but it’s also really really shit sometimes and it hurts. You find words coming out of your mouth that are just awful, that you would hurt someone else for saying to your babies. Then you feel so guilty it hurts, and you cry in your pillow at night when you are supposed to be sleeping. You cry because they forgive you and you feel like you don’t deserve to be forgiven because they’re only little and YOU are supposed to be the parent. The one who has control of your emotions. But sometimes you just don’t.

The beautiful parts of motherhood are so fleeting but they are more precious than anything you might hold with your bare hands and they do make your heart steadfast through the bad times.

Mother hood is frustrating. You literally do everything single thing that can possibly be done and all you asked your 8 year old to do is put his ice lolly wrapper in the bin that is exactly one foot away from his hand. He forgot.

Motherhood is confusing. You put your 6 year old to bed and hold her close until she feels sleepy and all she can tell you in a very nonchallant tone is that she wishes Daddy would get a divorce so she can have a new mummy (because apparently I’m so awful). But the very next day she’s telling you she loves you and has made you a love note.

You go from wondering if you are doing anything right at all to thinking that you’ve got this and everything is going to be ok. All in 60 seconds flat. Then you have a mess to clean and a fight to be the referee for at the same exact time. You can’t even remember what you were thinking before this moment and everything is blurry. You just carry on.

Whatever you do, whatever you don’t do, you feel inadequate.

Just wanted to share this because I would hate for anyone to think that I have got it all together and that all of my life is better than yours. I don’t. It’s not. We are in this together.

Thanks for reading.

A big hello from the Gray family.

Hello, welcome to my blog. We are the Gray family. We are Christians and we live in London, UK. My husband Stephen and I have 3 children aged 8, 6 and 4 and we are about to start our adventure of travelling around the world with kids and i’m going to be blogging about life along the way, this will include the struggles of parenting and faith. So stay tuned if this something that interests you.

Let me introduce you to our family members.

This is me, hello. My name is Kara. I am a full time mum to my crazy clan. We homeschool/unschool, and my sole occupation right now is being a referee and stopping as many fists and insults that get hurled around these days (give me strength). I practise gentle parenting with my children and adore being a mother even though admittedly there are some days I feel like ripping my own eyes out.

This is my husband Stephen, he works for him self as a freelance web developer. His job is allowing us to have some income for our planned travels. He is funny silly daddy to our family and the children love him because he is the one who throws them 10 feet into the air and has endless tickle fights and pillow fights. He has a love of making games (I have literally no idea what it is that he actually does for a living or how come all the words, numbers and many different colours of extremely tiny font achieve anything – mindblown!) He also has a love of getting tattoos which I’m sure we are going to gain more of on our travels.

This is Ethan my eldest monkey he is 8. He is an avid gamer and is amaaaazing at mine craft, I on the other hand am totally pants, but seriously this boy can build things that wouldn’t even pop into my imagination. When he isn’t gaming he is totally crazy and it’s like being still will be the cause of his demise. He can either be seen in a onesie in the winter months or just pants when indoors.

I’m going to get a better picture of this boy, he wouldn’t look up from his tablet so I could take a picture (sigh)

This is Aimee my middle monkey, she is 6 going on 16. She is mostly crazy too, she loves to do art and create things and has a really kind heart. She loves as furiously as she hates I tell you. She’ll go from a sweet hug to a throat punch in less than 60 seconds and uses angry cat noises to communicate her distaste in any thing from her bowl of cereal to when I’m holding her tiny fist from decking her brother in the mouth.

This is Joshua my 3rd monkey, he is 4. He is happy go lucky little chap and is permanently in a world of his imagination. He loves lego and pretending that he is a warrior, he is always making the sound like loading a gun to kill the beasts of whatever he can imagine. He also won’t allow any touching of his hair as you can quite imagine from seeing this picture lol.

We have sold the copious amounts of stuff that we somehow owned and are planning to be traveling for a year starting off in Bali Indonesia. This is something that I’ve wanted to do with the children for a long time and I’m so excited to be starting our adventure! We leave in 3 weeks!